Your Hair Removal Guide
October 2, 2017 4:32 pm
During the summer, hair removal becomes and integral part of your routine, especially before a vacation. While hair removal can be a complicated and costly part of personal hygiene, there are a few ways to make the process easier.
Each part of the body has different types of hair and different needs, and there are many options out there for hair removal. Here are the hair removal locations and methods we recommend:
Facial Hair Removal
Waxing and laser hair removal are your best options for removing facial hair.
Laser treatment is more effective when there is a contrast between the color of your hair and skin, so your electrologist will advise whether or not this is a good option for you. If you are a candidate, permanent laser hair removal can be done on your forehead, upper lip, sideburns, beard, or neck areas.
If the hair on your face is more like peach fuzz, waxing may be a better option than permanent hair removal. Waxing will take the hair out from the root as opposed to shaving, which could cause the hair to grow back thicker.
Underarm Hair Removal
Most methods of hair removal will work for your underarms, but laser treatments will allow you to be hair-free for much longer.
Laser hair removal will treat the hair follicle to get rid of the hair without damaging your skin. Your electrologist will recommend the number and frequency of treatments, but after a few sessions spaced a couple of months apart, your underarms will be hairless.
If you’re shaving your underarms, be sure you use shaving cream and a sharp razor to avoid causing irritation. Waxing is another good hair removal option for your underarms, but keep in mind you’ll have to grow this hair out long enough to see results.
Bikini Hair Removal
Laser hair removal is the best option for your bikini area, but regular waxing can also be done.
Laser treatments for your bikini line or for a full Brazilian treatment can remove the hair so you don’t have to worry about regular grooming.
Waxing is another option for removing hair along your bikini line that will ensure the hair doesn’t grow back thicker, unlike shaving.
Laser Body Hair Removal in St. Petersburg
The best permanent solution to removing hair on your legs, arms, back, or other places on your body is laser hair removal. Waxing and shaving are both options that work well, but require regular maintenance.
Laser hair removal is a treatment that can be done on the majority of your body, and is good option for places you can’t reach shaving, or places you don’t want to grow the hair out long enough to get waxed. Your electrologist will tell you how many sessions and how much it will cost for the part of your body on which you wish to have hair removed.
Waxing is best for areas you can’t reach, like your back, or places you don’t want the hair to grow back thicker, like your arms. Shaving is the most common way to remove hair on the legs, but can become a nuisance to do constantly. Due to the sensitive nature of certain skin, this can also cause irritation.
To learn more about laser hair removal in St. Petersburg, call us at (727) 343-9004.